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Rising Trends of Crypto Phishing Attacks and Losses in 2024

Jul 5, 2024

Rising Trends of Crypto Phishing Attacks and Losses in 2024

The mid-year analysis by ScamSniffer has shed light on alarming patterns of phishing attacks within the cryptocurrency realm. The data reveals a substantial increase in cybercrime activities targeting crypto users, with a staggering $314 million lost to phishing attacks in the first half of 2024 on EVM chains. This amount significantly surpasses the $295 million stolen in the preceding year, indicating a concerning escalation in the scale and frequency of fraudulent schemes aimed at cryptocurrency enthusiasts.

Notable Individual Financial Impacts

An alarming statistic emerges from the report, showcasing that 260,000 individuals fell victim to phishing attacks, collectively facing losses amounting to millions of dollars. Among them, twenty unfortunate victims suffered losses exceeding a million dollars each, resulting in a total sum of $58 million. Notably, one victim encountered a devastating $11 million loss, marking it as one of the largest crypto heists in history.

Methods Employed in Phishing

The report underscores that a substantial portion of the theft incidents were orchestrated through sophisticated phishing tactics, including malicious signatures like Permit, IncreaseAllowance, and Uniswap Permit2. These deceptive techniques lure users into believing they are engaging with legitimate services, only to unwittingly transfer their assets to fraudulent transactions, leading to substantial financial repercussions.

Moreover, some individuals were lured into phishing websites through deceptive comments on popular social media platforms like Twitter, often originating from fake accounts impersonating reputable brands. Presently, phishing syndicates leverage bot accounts to post initial comments on official tweets from renowned cryptocurrency projects, exploiting social engineering tactics to deceive users through fraudulent website forms.

Detailed Analysis of Phishing Attacks

Assets Affected:

The phishing attacks targeted various assets, with significant losses observed primarily in staked assets, which become irrecoverable once stolen due to the nature of Permit transactions. Staking, restaking, Aave collateral, and Pendle tokens were among the high-value assets systematically targeted by the attackers, emphasizing their focus on valuable and liquid assets within the cryptocurrency ecosystem.

Strategies Used in Attacks:

Credential stuffing and fake wallets emerged as prevalent methods in executing these phishing campaigns. Notably, the common tactic involved posting deceptive comments below tweets from prominent accounts, with bot accounts mimicking legitimate authoritative voices to deceive unsuspecting users.

Tips for Mitigating Phishing Risks

Users can adopt the following preventive measures to safeguard their cryptocurrency assets and minimize the risks associated with phishing attacks:

  1. Enhance Visibility: Optimizing major phishing signatures for better visibility can significantly bolster defense mechanisms against potential threats, reducing the likelihood of falling victim to phishing scams.

  2. User Education: Educating users on refraining from granting permission to suspicious requests and avoiding interactions with potentially malicious links is crucial. Awareness campaigns and educational tools play a vital role in empowering users to make informed decisions and navigate the cryptocurrency industry with greater caution.

  3. Secure Storage: Avoid storing private keys on cloud services or sharing them via insecure platforms like instant messaging applications. Implementing robust security measures ensures that unauthorized individuals are unable to access sensitive key information.

  4. Verification Tools: Utilizing security detection tools to verify the legitimacy of tokens can prevent falling prey to fraudulent schemes. By validating tokens through these verification mechanisms, users can enhance their resilience against token-related scams and fraudulent activities.

These proactive steps are essential in fortifying the security posture of crypto users and mitigating the risks associated with evolving phishing tactics and cyber threats in the digital asset space.


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