Researchers from the University of Cambridge warned about the influence of conversational AI tools on user decision-making in a new commercial landscape known as the 'intention economy'.
AI's Impact on User Behavior
The research indicates that people's growing familiarity with chatbots and other anthropomorphic AI tools is paving the way for a new range of 'persuasive technologies'.
Technologies for Intention and Plan Manipulation
Co-author Yaqub Chaudhary highlighted that AI tools are already being developed to elicit, infer, collect, record, understand, forecast, and ultimately manipulate and commodify human plans and intentions.
Need for Regulation and Public Awareness
As co-author Jonnie Penn stated, 'Unless regulated, the intention economy will treat your motivations as the new currency.' Penn emphasized the importance of public awareness to ensure we don’t head down the wrong path.
Scientists emphasize the necessity of regulation and public dialogue regarding this new phenomenon to prevent unintended consequences for human aspirations and societal institutions.