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Robert Kiyosaki's Warning on Financial Crash and Asset Prices

Jul 5, 2024

Robert Kiyosaki's Warning on Financial Crash and Asset Prices

Renowned financial literacy author and investor, Robert Kiyosaki, has issued a strong warning about an upcoming financial crash, predicting a dramatic decline in the prices of major assets, including Bitcoin (BTC).

In a series of posts on X, Kiyosaki emphasized the severity of the situation, labeling it as the biggest crash in history.

According to his analysis of technical indicators, prices of properties, stocks, bonds, gold, silver, and Bitcoin are expected to experience a significant drop.

This warning coincides with the recent movement in Bitcoin prices. On Thursday, the price of Bitcoin fell below US$58,000, marking a two-month low and a sharp decline of 21 percent from its peak at US$74,000 in March.

Kiyosaki's prediction adds another layer of concern for investors already worried about the volatility of this major cryptocurrency.

Kiyosaki's Predictions and Opportunities

Despite his bleak forecast, Kiyosaki suggests opportunities for savvy investors. He believes that after the crash, there will be unprecedented buying opportunities for assets at low prices.

Based on a report from Cryptopolitan, he anticipates that this period of financial turmoil will be followed by a long-term bull market cycle starting in late 2025, which will see prices rise for several years.

“This is a long-term bull market cycle they [investors] know has got to come,” said Kiyosaki.

He connects this cycle to the large US debt and increasing inflation, arguing that trust and confidence in traditional currencies are diminishing.

“They know it's coming because they know trust and confidence in fake money is waning,” he added.

The Future of Bitcoin and Other Assets

Kiyosaki is highly optimistic about the future of Bitcoin, gold, and silver. He predicts that these assets will not only recover but also reach new all-time highs post-crash.

He foresees gold reaching US$15,000 per ounce, silver possibly rising to US$110 per ounce, and Bitcoin surging to US$10 million per coin.

Kiyosaki's personal investment history with Bitcoin reinforces his confidence in its future performance. He had previously disclosed buying Bitcoin at prices ranging between US$6,000 and US$9,000.

He believes that the time to get wealthier is approaching, indicating that Bitcoin offers valuable educational opportunities and insights into the US financial system.

Differing Views

However, not all experts agree with Kiyosaki's views. A user on X responded skeptically to Kiyosaki's warning, pointing out that he has been predicting such crashes for several years.

“Dude, you have been saying this for 7 years. Eventually, you will be right, but seriously..,” commented the user.

Michael Hepworth, a US-based lawyer, also offered a different opinion.

He noted that Bitcoin and Ethereum are currently stable around the 200-day moving average on daily charts, indicating signals that may be more bullish than the dire breakdown predicted by Kiyosaki.

“In my opinion, this is a perfect buying opportunity. But if it goes through the 200 MA, it's somewhat scary,” said Hepworth.


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