Explore the major security challenges of Ethereum rollups and potential solutions. Focus on technological perspectives and upgradeability.
Technical Aspects
Technical risks in rollup implementation concern protocols, clients, and validation systems. Protocols should be formally verified, client software must accurately translate specifications, and validation systems require trusted bridges.
Defense in Depth (DiD)
A multi-layer system security strategy. Strategies include Multi-Provers and Multi-Verifiers, enhancing trust in validation systems. They help identify anomalies and schedule updates for correction.
Upgradeability and System Resilience
Upgradeability vulnerabilities target smart contracts, affecting operational continuity. Updates should be pre-announced and preserve censorship resistance for users. Operational and adversarial resilience prepare rollups for unexpected threats.
This exploration delves into understanding Ethereum rollups, their technical and classification aspects. Insights assist users and developers in making researched decisions for ecosystem growth and stability.