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**Shiba Inu Gains Major Exposure in US Market through PayPal and MoonPay Partnership**

May 4, 2024

A significant development has taken place in the world of cryptocurrencies as Shiba Inu secures a vital listing on PayPal in the US, thanks to a collaboration with MoonPay. This partnership has the potential to drive the price of Shiba Inu up and increase its adoption among users.

Collaboration between PayPal and MoonPay Benefits Shiba Inu

By joining forces with MoonPay, an established crypto payment platform, PayPal has made it easier for users in the US to access various cryptocurrency assets, including Shiba Inu. This move signifies a major step forward in making cryptocurrencies more accessible to Americans, as PayPal now offers seamless transactions between fiat currency and crypto assets, with MoonPay facilitating the purchasing of over 110 different cryptocurrencies, including Shiba Inu.

Impact on Shiba Inu and the Crypto Market

The partnership opens up Shiba Inu to a vast user base across all states in the US, potentially leading to an uptick in the cryptocurrency's price as new investors enter the market. Following the announcement of the collaboration, the price of Shiba Inu saw a notable increase from $0.000022 to $0.000024 within just one day, representing a 7.72% surge in value over a 24-hour period. MoonPay's streamlined process for PayPal users to acquire a wide range of cryptocurrencies further aids in the adoption of Shiba Inu and other digital assets.


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