Sidra Chain is a blockchain platform built for Shariah-compliant financial transactions. It launched in 2022, with the mainnet going live in October 2023.
Islamic Finance Principles on the Blockchain
Sidra Chain adheres to Islamic finance principles, prohibiting riba (interest), gharar (excessive uncertainty), and investments in prohibited industries such as alcohol, gambling, or pork.
The Main Components of the Sidra Ecosystem
The Sidra ecosystem includes the Sidra Chain Network, Sidra Coin (SDA), and Sidra Bank, offering Shariah-compliant financial services, such as low-fee money transfers and transparent transaction records.
Practical Applications of Sidra Chain Technology
Sidra Chain technology is used for international money transfers, halal supply chain management, and Shariah-compliant fundraising, helping reduce costs and transaction times.
Sidra Chain plays a crucial role in integrating Islamic financial principles with blockchain technologies, providing transparency and efficiency in financial transactions.