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Siemens Issues Digital Bond Using Blockchain Technology

Sep 5, 2024
  1. Record Speeds in Blockchain-Based Bond Issuance
  2. Potential of Blockchain Technology
  3. Expert Commentary

German industrial giant Siemens announced the issuance of a 300 million euro digital bond using blockchain technology as part of a European Central Bank trial. This initiative marks a significant step in utilizing blockchain for traditional financial instruments.

Record Speeds in Blockchain-Based Bond Issuance

The issuance attracted investment from major German financial institutions including BayernLB, DekaBank, DZ BANK, Helaba, and Landesbank Baden-Württemberg. Deutsche Bank's involvement indicates growing interest in blockchain-based assets among traditional financial players. This latest bond issuance is a continuation of Siemens' past experiences with blockchain technology. Last year, Siemens issued a 60 million euro bond on the Polygon blockchain, which took two days to complete. In contrast, the current bond issuance was completed within minutes, highlighting significant advancements in transaction speed and efficiency.

The automated transaction completed within minutes demonstrates the tremendous potential of this new technology and confirms our strategy to play a pioneering role in continuously shaping digital transformation.Peter Rathgeb

Potential of Blockchain Technology

The digital bond issuance on SWIAT's private, regulated blockchain leveraged Bundesbank's settlement trigger solution. By using a private blockchain for bond issuance, the aim is to benefit from faster settlement times, lower costs, and greater transparency while maintaining security and control. Meanwhile, Siemens' issuance on a private blockchain is part of the ECB's broader effort to test the potential of blockchain technology in its operational activities. The trial aims to assess the feasibility of integrating blockchain technology with traditional financial systems and potentially pave the way for wider adoption of digital bonds and tokenized assets.

Expert Commentary

Last month, Germany's largest development bank KfW collaborated with Boerse Stuttgart Digital in preparation for a digital bond issuance, while Italy's state-owned development bank Cassa Depositi e Prestiti SpA and credit company Intesa Sanpaolo made headlines in July for completing a bond issuance on Polygon.

Siemens' issuance of a digital bond using blockchain technology represents a significant step towards more efficient and transparent financial transactions, showcasing blockchain's potential to transform traditional financial instruments in the future.


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