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Sharp Decline – Solana’s Activity Hits Yearly Low

Sep 4, 2024
  1. Numbers Speak for Themselves
  2. Decline in Daily Earnings
  3. Decrease in DEX Volumes

In August 2024, the Solana network faced a significant challenge: activity levels hit a yearly low, indicating a decrease in usage and dwindling interest in the network.

Numbers Speak for Themselves

A review of the statistics highlights the situation: The number of active addresses fell from over 54 million in July to 18 million in August—a drastic reduction suggesting reduced participation in the network. This decrease could be attributed to several factors, including the potential migration of users to other blockchain platforms or a diminished interest due to market dynamics.

Decline in Daily Earnings

The daily earnings within Solana also took a hit, falling from ranges between $200,000 and $300,000 in previous months to levels last seen in early March 2024. This drop in earnings was part of a trend observed since the end of July 2024, where the revenue began to decline after a period of volatility and sideways movement that ended in May. Moreover, the reduction in active addresses led to fewer daily transactions and a reduction in network fees, contributing to the decline in network earnings. In August 2024, Solana saw the lowest number of new active addresses of the year, with only 11 million new activations compared to the previous month.

Decrease in DEX Volumes

Another parameter reflecting the current lack of market interest in the Solana ecosystem is the decline in trading volume at decentralized exchanges. This metric also shows a decline from the beginning of August to date. On August 4, 2024, SOL DEX transactions reached a value of $3.5 billion, while this number dropped to $700 million just yesterday. This decline in trading activity suggests a broader trend of decreased engagement with the Solana network.

A decrease in active addresses, transactions, DEX operations, and earnings within the network indicates a concerning impact on the state and acceptance of a blockchain network. However, it should be noted that networks undergo cycles of greater or lesser acceptance and phases where they attract more or less user interest. Thus, this lack of activity may not necessarily be due to a lack of interest from the community but could also mean that users are possibly waiting for the ideal time to engage with the network.


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