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Sui: Blockchain Offline Transactions via Radio Waves

Sep 4, 2024
  1. Sui Offline Transactions Technology
  2. Decentralized DePIN Infrastructure
  3. A Revolution for the Unbanked

The issue of performing cryptocurrency transactions in the absence of the Internet remains relevant. The Sui blockchain by Mysten Labs offers an innovative solution using radio waves and alternative channels to facilitate offline transactions.

Sui Offline Transactions Technology

One of the main objections to crypto payments is the reliance on the Internet. What to do in case of an outage or in areas with unreliable connections? Sui, using its innovative approach, circumvents this problem. Adeniyi Abiodun, co-founder of Mysten Labs, explains that their technology allows transactions to be transmitted via mobile networks, radio waves, and even reduced text messages, eliminating the need for an Internet connection. This approach is particularly promising for regions with frequent power shortages and Internet outages. Imagine being able to send funds across the globe via a simple radio signal! The concept of 'transactions without the Internet' opens new doors for one-way payments, providing a functional solution in the event of disasters or major network failures. Sui has already proven that this method works and plans to integrate it into Internet of Things (IoT) devices. This innovation can transform not only financial transactions but also many industries, particularly in managing decentralized physical infrastructures.

Decentralized DePIN Infrastructure

At the same time, Sui is exploring the concept of DePIN (Decentralized Physical Infrastructure), a new niche in Web3. This model proposes collective management of public infrastructure, where each participant can benefit while contributing to the management. This would allow infrastructure to be created at a lower cost without causing economic disruptions. In this context, Sui’s 'transactions without the Internet' find an ideal application. In case of cellular or Internet network failure, technologies like GSM, mesh networks, or satellite communications can take over. It would suffice, for example, to open a radio channel between two points to encrypt and transmit a secure message. This technology allows not only sending payments but also transmitting coupons, rewards, or even data. Projects such as Helium Mobile, which creates decentralized mobile networks, or Wifi Dabba in India, using the Solana network, show that DePIN infrastructure is already in motion. These initiatives aim to bridge the digital divide by connecting millions of people to the Internet at reduced costs or even for free.

A Revolution for the Unbanked

As reported by Cointelegraph, Sui’s ultimate goal is clear: to enable those without access to financial services or the Internet to benefit from crypto innovations. Abiodun emphasizes the importance of making financial services more accessible. With this technology, entry barriers are significantly reduced, allowing more people to access these essential services and simultaneously strengthening network effects. Sui’s partnership with Canadian mobile operator Chip Wireless is concrete proof of this. They are working together to test these technologies and are already considering expansion into markets such as Africa, where financial inclusion and Internet access remain significant challenges. Thus, Sui not only provides banking services to the unbanked but also offers a solution for disconnected people. Blockchain becomes a tool not only to secure transactions but also to bring the most isolated communities closer to the globalized world. A true technological revolution is underway, and it undoubtedly holds hope for the most vulnerable populations.

Sui's technologies open new horizons for crypto transactions, making them accessible even in the absence of the Internet. This innovation can significantly impact financial inclusion and improve the lives of people in various regions of the world.


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