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**Supreme Court of Montenegro Rules on Fate of Terra (LUNA) Founder Do Kwon**

Apr 5, 2024

The Supreme Court in Montenegro has reversed lower court decisions regarding the extradition of Terra (LUNA) co-founder Do Kwon to the United States or South Korea. The highest court emphasized that the Minister of Justice should be responsible for determining the extradition decision, not the court. Prior to this ruling, there was a dispute over Kwon's potential extradition, especially since he was detained in Montenegro in 2023 for utilizing a fake passport while attempting to exit the country.

Kwon is currently facing legal charges in both the USA and South Korea. Even though his attorneys expressed a preference for South Korea due to its comparatively shorter maximum sentences for financial crimes, Montenegro is reportedly leaning towards approving extradition to the United States. The Supreme Court of Montenegro remarked in its ruling that in scenarios involving multiple requests from different countries for the extradition of the same individual, the court's role is to assess whether the legal prerequisites for extradition have been met for each petition. Following this assessment, the competent minister, not the court, will decide on the permission and precedence of extradition.


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