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Tesla Robotaxi Launch: A Game-Changer for the Company?

Sep 23, 2024
  1. Current Tesla Valuation
  2. Uniqueness of Tesla's FSD
  3. Expectations for the Robotaxi Launch Event

Tesla, a leading electric vehicle manufacturer, is gearing up for a significant event - the launch of its robotaxi. How will this impact the company's stock and future?

Current Tesla Valuation

Currently, Tesla's price-to-book (P/B) ratio is 11.45, meaning investors value the company's shares at 11 times the net asset value. Tesla's discounted cash flow (DCF) stands at $62.8, indicating that Tesla stock is overvalued by 75%. These values represent Tesla's future market positioning. However, if a more affordable model, like Model 2, comes into play in 2025, it would still lag behind competitors like the BYD Seagull in terms of price.

Uniqueness of Tesla's FSD

Chinese companies have made significant strides in autonomous driving. Apollo Go by Baidu is the world's first large-scale robotaxi service. Meanwhile, Tesla continues to perform well in China. By the end of 2024, Apollo RT6 robotaxis are expected to cover the entire city of Wuhan with 1,000 units. This questions the necessity of personal cars. For Tesla, the development of FSD would be a transformative event, as the company would gain a steady cash flow by effectively becoming a public transportation service. Quote: 'The entire Tesla fleet basically becomes active. Maybe there are some people who don’t want their car to earn money, but I think most will. It’s instant scale.' - Elon Musk, Tesla CEO, during the Q2 2024 earnings call.

Expectations for the Robotaxi Launch Event

The robotaxi launch event is scheduled for October 10th at Warner Bros. Studios in Los Angeles, where Tesla will unveil its Cybercab prototype. Unlike competitors like Waymo and Cruise, which rely on geofencing, Tesla's FSD promises autonomous driving without this limitation. After accumulating over 600 million miles of driving data, investors expect to see a live robotaxi demonstration. However, the long-term viability of robotaxis remains in question. For instance, General Motors' suspension of the Cruise Origin robotaxi rollout in July highlights the dependency on a robust federal regulatory framework.

The robotaxi launch could be a significant catalyst for Tesla's stock growth, but much will depend on the regulatory environment and the company's technological advancements.


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