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The Evolution of Phygital Marketing and the Post-Digital Era

May 31, 2024

The Evolution of Phygital Marketing and the Post-Digital Era


During the 2010s, the term 'phygital' gained popularity as a concept in marketing discussions, referring to the fusion of physical and digital elements to create interactive consumer experiences. This approach marked a shift in ideological paradigms towards a blend of reality and virtuality, symbolizing a new phase in corporate development and societal integration. As we navigate through the post-pandemic landscape, the appreciation for analog experiences has surged, coinciding with the advancement of digital technologies.

Origins of Phygitalism

CEO Chris Vale of Momentum Worldwide introduced the term 'phygital' in 2007, building on earlier mentions of a physical-virtual hybrid world in various domains such as science fiction literature, cyberculture theory, and network society studies. The convergence of social and media networks signifies a profound restructuring of social frameworks at all levels.

Philosophical Underpinnings

Phygitalism finds resonance with postmodernist philosophers like Jean Baudrillard, known for his concept of 'hyperreality' where signs are replaced by simulacra, blurring the lines between reality and imagination. Baudrillard's critique extends to places like Disneyland, which embody illusions and cater to adult escapism through simulated experiences.

Socio-Technological Implications

Postmodern critiques, including ideas of cyberlibertarianism, cyborgization, and technoethics, paved the way for techno-optimism in the 1990s. The shift towards combining digital and physical realms reflects a changing cultural logic, marked by the embrace of complete digitalization in the 2010s.

The Post-Digital Era

Nicholas Negroponte's prediction of the end of the 'digital turn' materialized as digitization seamlessly integrated into daily life. The dichotomy of 'real-virtual' gave way to the synergy of 'physical-virtual,' supported by active user engagement in online platforms. This transition heralds the rise of a new Internet culture and the emergence of 'post-postmodernism,' challenging and redefining modern cultural norms.

Digital Art and New Aesthetics

In the realm of digital art, the 'New Aesthetics' movement, championed by artists like James Bridle, reinterprets traditional digital art practices by emphasizing materiality and presence alongside virtual elements.

In conclusion, the evolution of phygital marketing and the dawn of the post-digital era signal a profound shift in how we perceive the fusion of physical and digital realms in our contemporary society.


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