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The Intersection of Bitcoin and Nintendo in Gaming Preservation

Jul 4, 2024

The Interplay Between Bitcoin and Nintendo in Game Preservation

In an interesting intersection of technology and nostalgia, Bitcoin developers have taken steps to immortalize Nintendo's classic games within the realm of blockchain technology.

A group of dedicated developers recently embedded an emulator for the Nintendo 64 (N64) console into the Bitcoin network, advocating for the conservation of vintage video games using blockchain's immutable ledger.

Trevor Owens, the CEO of Bitcoin Ordinals portfolio tracker Ninjalerts, spearheaded the 'Pizza Ninjas' initiative, which facilitated the integration of the N64 emulator into Bitcoin through the Ordinals protocol. Owens articulated their mission:

We aim to engage preservationists in discussions about safeguarding classic games and encourage the community to explore legitimate avenues for preserving critically endangered games on the blockchain.

Addressing concerns regarding copyright infringement, Owens reiterated their commitment to exploring lawful methods for preserving games on the blockchain, emphasizing the importance of navigating this process within the boundaries of legality. The engagement of the community in this endeavor signifies a concerted effort towards the preservation of gaming heritage through innovative technological means.


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