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The Role of Liquid Staking in Solana's Success

Jul 2, 2024

The Impact of Liquid Staking on Solana's Growth

Diverging from the typical volatility seen in the cryptocurrency sphere, the Solana blockchain and its cryptocurrency SOL are making substantial waves. Despite the market's uncertainties, Solana is demonstrating exceptional strength, largely attributed to the surge in liquid staking activities. The network's remarkable increase in staking ratio underscores its resilience and allure, magnetizing a growing investor base. But what underlies this remarkable success and what obstacles lie on the horizon?

Solana's Emergence and Liquid Staking Boom

Solana, known for its status as an Ethereum competitor, is currently witnessing a significant upswing driven by the concept of 'liquid staking.' Data from Dune Analytics reveals that over 23 million SOL tokens, valued at more than $3.6 billion, are currently engaged in liquid staking on various platforms.

This surge represents a vast untapped potential, particularly as only 6% of the staked SOL participates in liquid staking, surpassing the rates of even Ethereum. Solana's staking ratio, standing at around 60%, signals its increasing popularity.

A significant advantage of Solana lies in its short unbonding period of just two days, a feature that could positively impact the attractiveness of liquid staking on the network.

Konstantin Boyko-Romanovsky, CEO of Allnodes, highlights that the abbreviated unbonding period on Solana might reduce the significance of liquid staking in comparison to blockchains like Polkadot or Ethereum. In contrast, longer unbonding periods on other networks make liquid staking more alluring for maintaining liquidity.

Key companies and platforms, such as Sanctum and Jito Labs, along with the STRADER protocol supported by SwissBorg, play pivotal roles in driving this growth.

Jito Labs, for example, has attracted approximately 91,000 Solana investors with an annual percentage yield (APY) exceeding 8% and a stake of over 10.6 million SOL tokens.

Tom Wan, a respected researcher and analyst, noted in BeInCrypto that 'Sanctum has lowered the barriers for projects seeking to develop their liquid staking tokens (LST).' These initiatives are opening avenues for a surge in the liquid staking sector on Solana.

The Prospects of SOL Crypto and Evolving Trends

The ascendancy of liquid staking on Solana is not only evident; it is reinforced by emerging trends such as re-staking. This innovation could serve as a pivotal driver for the adoption and progression of liquid staking activities on Solana.

Boyko-Romanovsky emphasizes that 're-staking offers continuous liquidity, enhances yield opportunities, and provides greater flexibility, even on platforms with shorter unbonding periods like Solana.'

By enabling more efficient market and liquidity management, re-staking has the potential to enhance the attractiveness of liquid staking. Nonetheless, the reliability and security of these emerging technologies will be critical for their success and widespread acceptance.

The increasing popularity of liquid staking is poised to draw more users to Solana, bolstering the network's security and reinforcing its standing in the cryptocurrency landscape.

Notably, two significant applications for establishing a Solana ETF have been lodged in the United States, reflecting the escalating interest in this domain. If this trend continues, Solana could gain a significant competitive advantage, attracting investment firms and solidifying its position among the top players in the cryptocurrency market.

Liquid staking platforms, by reducing entry barriers and facilitating investor accessibility, are instrumental in propelling this transformative shift.


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