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Token Vesting Periods and Unlocking Events in July

Token Vesting Periods and Unlocking Events in July

Jun 28, 2024

Token Vesting Periods

Vesting periods play a crucial role in the digital asset realm, preventing early investors and team members from rapidly offloading their tokens post-launch. Projects implement these periods to ensure price stability in their initial phases, aiming for sustainable progression. However, as the vesting periods of over 40 projects come to a close in July, tokens worth a staggering $755 million are set to flood the market, potentially triggering fluctuations in pricing and impacting investor sentiment.

Vesting periods are designed to restrict the immediate sale of tokens by early backers and team members, promoting controlled token distribution. When these restrictions expire, a substantial volume of tokens can enter the market, leading to both positive and negative outcomes.

Token Unlocks, a reputable vesting data tracker, highlights that prominent crypto assets like AltLayer (ALT), Xai (XAI), Aptos (APT), Arbitrum (ARB), Optimism (OP), Sui (SUI), Immutable (IMX), and Starknet (STRK) are among the projects expecting significant token unlocks in July 2024.

Unlocking Events in July

AltLayer, a decentralized platform, is at the forefront, preparing to release an impressive 684 million ALT tokens valued at approximately $125 million on July 25. This distribution will cover the team, investors, advisors, protocol development, treasury, ecosystem, and communities, potentially influencing ALT's current market value of about $0.18.

Following closely is Xai, a project focused on gaming, with plans to unlock over $93 million worth of tokens on July 9. These tokens will be allocated to the team, investors, and ecosystem, with an additional $2 million directed to reserves. The impending token release could spark significant market activity, given XAI's current token price of $0.46.

Other Major Unlocks

Aptos, another notable project, is set to unveil an additional 11.31 million APT tokens valued at $77 million in July, following previous unlocks of $101 million in May and $102 million in June. These tokens will be distributed to the foundation, community, core contributors, and investors. APT has witnessed a significant price decline in recent months, plummeting from a peak of $17.63 on April 1 to $6.99 on June 28, marking a 60% decrease.

Arbitrum is also in line for a significant token sale of $75 million on July 16, targeting its staff, advisors, and investors. The project previously released 1.1 billion ARB tokens worth $2.32 billion in March, resulting in a substantial price drop from $2.27 on March 8 to $0.82 presently.

Additionally, projects like Optimism, Sui, Immutable, and Starknet are gearing up for token releases in July, anticipated to generate notable market dynamics.


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