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Trojan StilachiRAT: A Threat to Crypto Wallets in Chrome Browser

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by Giorgi Kostiuk

5 hours ago

Microsoft has warned about a new trojan, StilachiRAT, which steals data from cryptocurrency wallets on Google Chrome.

Threat Overview

Discovered by Microsoft in November 2024, StilachiRAT can steal sensitive data from 20 different crypto wallet extensions on Chrome, including MetaMask and Trust Wallet. Though not widely spread, the malware poses a serious threat due to its stealthy methods.

User Recommendations

Users of crypto wallet extensions on Chrome should exercise caution. Microsoft recommends checking browser plugins, clearing history, and running antivirus scans. Avoid downloading suspicious files.

StilachiRAT Operation and Protection Measures

StilachiRAT uses various techniques to evade detection. The component WWStartupCtrl64.dll gathers credentials stored in browsers and wallets. Microsoft provides guidance to reduce the impact and stresses the importance of implementing security measures.

Overcoming the StilachiRAT threat requires users to pay close attention to securing their data and following protection recommendations against such malware.



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