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TrotelCoin Update: Fresh Courses, Growing Community, and Tactical Shifts

Jun 1, 2024

TrotelCoin Update: Fresh Courses, Growing Community, and Tactical Shifts

This recent period has been dynamic for the app development team at TrotelCoin as they unveiled three new courses aimed at enriching their educational portfolio: Bonds vs Stocks, The Metaverse, and Oracles. These additions are designed to offer users a comprehensive understanding of finance and blockchain technology.

New Courses

Bonds vs Stocks

Grasping the fundamental distinctions between bonds and stocks is crucial for individuals venturing into the world of finance. Bonds and stocks are key financial instruments, each functioning uniquely. While bonds are often perceived as secure, fixed-income investments, stocks offer liquidity and the potential for higher returns albeit with added risk. This course breaks down these discrepancies, enabling newcomers to grasp fundamental concepts and make educated investment choices.

The Metaverse

The metaverse has gained prominence, especially following the NFT surge in 2021. This course explores the metaverse's significance in the Web3 ecosystem, delving into its implications, opportunities, and its integration with blockchain technology. Given its escalating importance, the course seeks to bridge the information gap and equip users with the knowledge required to navigate this burgeoning digital realm.


Oracles, such as Chainlink and Pyth Network, are instrumental in connecting the real world with blockchain technology. This course introduces the concept of oracles, elucidating how they furnish external data to smart contracts and enhance blockchain functionality. A profound understanding of oracles is vital for those keen on comprehending the potential and practical applications of blockchain.

Community Growth & Engagement

In the community sphere, TrotelCoin recently onboarded 8 new users from their waitlist to participate in application testing, swelling the waitlist to 22 users before admission. This consistent growth signifies a mounting interest in their app, showcasing the community's fervor and eagerness to interact with the platform, despite the limited marketing endeavors. A new strategy is in the works to address this.

Crypto News and Strategic Pursuits

To attract fresh users and keep the community well-informed, TrotelCoin has initiated daily delivery of crypto news updates on Instagram and LinkedIn. These channels offer a broader outreach, furnishing valuable insights into the latest trends and progressions in the cryptocurrency domain.

Strategic Decisions and Voting

Significant dialogues with BIM Exchange have been held concerning a token listing on their platform. A live vote on Snapshot aims to designate 5% of the total supply from the DAO treasury for this listing, a strategic maneuver geared towards amplifying the token's accessibility and market presence, with an upcoming dedicated article.

Another critical Snapshot vote pertains to the removal of Intermediate & Expert NFTs. The proposal advocates for users to acquire their benefits through direct token staking, fostering improved tokenomics and rendering the app's advantages more dynamic. Transitioning from one-time payments to a staking framework ensures a more sustainable and engaging user interface.

Final Notes

This period has been a pivotal juncture in TrotelCoin's journey, marked by the introduction of new courses, burgeoning community outreach, and strategic endeavors aimed at enhancing the platform's value. The team remains dedicated to refining their offerings continually and eagerly anticipates active engagement and feedback as they progress.


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