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Trump Threatens Heavy Sanctions on BRICS for Abandoning the Dollar

Sep 9, 2024
  1. Trump's Economic Threats
  2. Dollar's Place in a Multipolar World
  3. The Power of BRICS

Former US President Donald Trump has announced plans to impose severe economic sanctions on BRICS countries if they abandon the dollar. This statement has caused significant unease on the international stage.

Trump's Economic Threats

In his speech, Trump emphasized that the US is considering all possible measures to maintain the dollar's status as the global reserve currency. He stated: *“We must ensure that the dollar remains the global reserve currency. Here is what I will say to recalcitrant countries: if you abandon the dollar, you will no longer trade with the United States. We will impose 100% tariffs on your goods.”* This message is primarily directed at China and the BRICS countries, which have been actively pursuing dedollarization since the freezing of Russia’s foreign exchange reserves (~€300 billion).

Dollar's Place in a Multipolar World

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, speaking at the UN Security Council meeting, said: *“The restoration of regional and international power balance must be accompanied by the elimination of the injustices at the heart of the global economy. There cannot be a monetary monopoly in a multipolar world.”* The dollar’s monopoly as the global reserve currency has long ensured the US’s economic dominance. However, with the rise of other economic players, like China, many countries have begun to move away from the dollar.

The Power of BRICS

The BRICS represent nearly half of the world’s population (46%) compared to just under 10% for the G7. The BRICS's share in global GDP is now 35% (ppp), compared to 30% for the G7. China is the largest trading partner for more than 120 countries. This challenges the ability of the US to dictate terms on the international stage. Moreover, imposing tariffs leads to inflation for Americans themselves. For instance, the Peterson Institute for Economics calculated that imposing a global tariff of 20%, combined with a 60% tariff on China, would cost an average American household more than $2,600 per year. This makes bitcoin an attractive alternative given its fixed supply and lack of attachment to any state.

The current international situation shows that the dollar is no longer an undisputed leader in the global economy. The increasing role of the BRICS countries and China as a trading partner necessitates a review of geopolitical and economic strategies. A report by Republican Senator Cynthia Lummis highlights the need for the US to create a strategic bitcoin reserve.


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