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Turkey's Removal from FATF Grey List

Turkey's Removal from FATF Grey List

Jun 28, 2024

Turkey has been officially taken off the FATF grey list after facing scrutiny for insufficient measures against money laundering and terrorism financing in 2021. The development highlights Turkey's proactive approach in meeting the rigorous standards set by FATF.

Reasons for Turkey's Delisting

The decision to place Turkey on the grey list was prompted by its failure to meet crucial regulations combatting money laundering and terrorism financing. Since then, Turkey has made significant strides by fulfilling 39 out of the 40 standards outlined in the action plan. Notably, the enactment of the Cryptocurrency Law was a game-changer, ensuring full compliance with all requirements and paving the way for Turkey’s removal from the grey list. By February 2023, FATF recognized Turkey's compliance, leading to its removal.

Impact of the Cryptocurrency Law

The introduction of the Cryptocurrency Law, sanctioned by President Erdoğan, played a pivotal role in meeting the remaining FATF criteria. Minister of Treasury and Finance Mehmet Şimşek heralded the delisting on social media, hailing it as a triumph. The law was instrumental in ensuring comprehensive alignment with global standards, playing a key role in Turkey's exit from the grey list.

Implications on Economy and Investments

Turkey's exclusion from the grey list is projected to have positive effects on its economic landscape. According to an IMF report, countries on the grey list typically experience a decrease of 7.6% in capital inflows relative to GDP and a 3% drop in foreign direct investments. Turkey's removal positions it favorably for foreign investors, potentially leading to heightened interest in assets denominated in Turkish lira and an increase in foreign investments.

Key Takeaways for Investors

  • Anticipated rise in foreign investments in Turkey, ensuring economic stability.
  • Potential surge in demand for Turkish lira-denominated assets among international investors.
  • Turkey's adherence to international standards has enhanced its financial credibility.

Concluding Remarks

Turkey's successful departure from the FATF grey list underscores its dedication to complying with global financial regulations, setting the stage for increased economic confidence and attracting foreign investments, driving the nation's economic progress forward.


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