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Turkey Submits Application to Join BRICS: A New Geopolitical Strategy

Sep 3, 2024
  1. Ankara Turns to New Alliances
  2. Redefining the Balance of Global Forces
  3. Implications for International Relations

Turkey, a key NATO member, has just shaken the global geopolitical order with a surprising request for membership in the BRICS bloc, an economic and political alliance dominated by Russia and China. This initiative is a decisive step in Ankara’s diplomatic strategy, traditionally anchored in strong Western alliances. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan seems determined to redefine his country’s position on the international chessboard by seeking to establish partnerships beyond its historical alliances with the West.

Ankara Turns to New Alliances

Turkey’s official request to join the BRICS is a strong signal sent to Western partners. This decision, formalized on September 2, 2024, reflects a clear desire to diversify Ankara’s alliances in the context of growing frustrations with the West. According to President Erdoğan, 'Turkey can become a strong, prosperous, prestigious and effective country if it improves its relations with both the East and the West.' This statement underscores a strategy of balance. It aims to navigate between rival powers without compromising national interests. The Turkish president also asserted that 'any method other than this would not benefit Turkey, but would harm it.'

Redefining the Balance of Global Forces

Turkey’s potential membership in BRICS could have consequences for the balance of power on a global scale. By joining this bloc, Turkey would strengthen its position as a key player in an increasingly multipolar world. The BRICS, already perceived as a counterbalance to the US-led G7, would see their influence expand even further with the inclusion of Turkey, a country with a crucial geostrategic position between Europe and Asia. By seeking to cultivate relations with all parties in a multipolar world, Turkey seems to want to maximize its diplomatic and economic options while remaining an active member of NATO.

Implications for International Relations

However, this move could also cause frictions within NATO and complicate relations with Turkey’s Western allies. While some might see this as a way for Ankara to assert its independence and gain influence on the international stage, others might view it as a signal of disengagement from the Western world order. Analysts, such as Sinan Ülgen, point out that 'the geopolitical center of gravity seems to be shifting away from the most developed economies.' This is why Turkey wants to be at the forefront of this change.

By joining the BRICS, Turkey seems to be charting a new path in its foreign policy, a path that could redefine its role on the world stage. This strategic move illustrates Ankara’s desire to increase its strategic autonomy and take advantage of the main development projects of the BRICS while continuing to play a key role in traditional alliances like NATO.


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