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Understanding the Impact of NFT Phishing Scams on Users

Jul 3, 2024

Understanding the Impact of NFT Phishing Scams on Users

A recent event in the blur market shed light on the significant repercussions of a complex phishing scam that resulted in a user losing $240,000 worth of NFTs. This fraudulent act resonated swiftly across the crypto sphere and was meticulously outlined by 0xQuit. The theft encompassed the theft of valuable assets like six Bored Ape Yacht Club NFTs, 40 Beanz, and three Elementals, which were surreptitiously sold for minimal gain.

Delving into the Scam

The exploitation unfolded as an unknown entity leveraged a loophole in Blur's listing mechanism. The scammer deftly manipulated the copyright settings of the NFTs to bypass the platform's stipulation of public accessibility, as elucidated by the Solidity expert and auditor 0xQuit.

Common in these schemes is the practice of scam artists listing NFTs at meager prices, swiftly snatched up by automated bots to foil their profit aspirations. Contrary to this norm, victims were prompted to list the NFTs at inflated rates, ensuring all proceeds flowed directly to the scammer.

To obscure the transaction, the scammers instituted a rule that annulled any transaction initiated by unauthorized users, thwarting competing buyers from seizing discounted listings and granting exclusive control of the NFTs to the scammers. Victims often unwittingly interact with a phishing platform endorsed by an impostor on social media, deception cloaked under the guise of a free airdrop checker.

Surging Trend of NFT Scams

This incident typifies a disturbing trend of escalating scams following the surge in NFT market popularity in late 2020 and early 2021. Marketplaces and users remain prime targets for these illicit activities, occasionally culminating in significant financial losses. Notably, a recent $3 million scam involving the 'Evolved Apes' NFT collection engineered by three UK nationals underscores the gravity of such deceitful practices.

Despite the prevalence of such incidents, Blur has refrained from responding to queries regarding the recent phishing scam, leaving users in the dark about the efficacy of existing protective measures against sophisticated cyber assaults.

Upholding Vigilance

The breach on the Blur platform serves as a poignant reminder of the vulnerabilities inherent in NFT markets, necessitating users to adopt a proactive approach to defend their digital assets. By fostering a culture of heightened alertness and discernment, users can traverse NFT platforms more securely, shielding themselves from the evolving panorama of digital deception.


The surge in NFT phishing scams underscores the imperative of user diligence and awareness in the realm of digital assets. As the magnetic appeal of NFTs enthralls a global audience, users must remain wary of the specter of sophisticated cyber fraud, actively fortifying their investments and digital persona against potential threats.


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