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Uniswap Labs Launches $2.35 Million Security Contest for Uniswap v4

Aug 15, 2024
  1. Notable Move by the Uniswap Team
  2. Details on the Security Contest
  3. Features and Innovations of Uniswap v4

The main development company behind the popular Ethereum-based decentralized exchange, Uniswap Labs, has announced the launch of a $2.35 million security contest prize pool for the upcoming release of version v4.

Notable Move by the Uniswap Team

The non-profit Uniswap Foundation and the web3 auditing network Cantina are also supporting the effort. The $2.35 million prize pool is said to be the largest in DeFi history. The prize will fund independent reviews of Uniswap v4’s smart contracts and the new Universal Router system that enables swaps between ERC-20 tokens and NFTs.

Details on the Security Contest

Audit contests are a common way for teams to discover and fix code vulnerabilities that could be exploited by attackers. This is an important process in the cryptocurrency world, especially since smart contracts cannot be updated once launched. The security contest will start on September 4 and continue until the end of the month.

Anyone can report vulnerabilities in the v4 codebase. Rewards will be allocated based on the severity of the disclosed bug and the quality of the submitted documentation.None

Features and Innovations of Uniswap v4

Uniswap v4 will introduce various new capabilities, such as setting dynamic fees in liquidity pools, on-chain limit orders, and custom oracles. Unlike previous versions, v4 aims to reduce transaction costs by consolidating all liquidity pools into a single contract, freeing users and liquidity providers from fees. The v4 code will be released under a four-year Business Source License, limiting what others can do with the code.

Uniswap Labs has launched an ambitious security contest for their new Uniswap v4 release, aiming to make this version the most audited and secure in DeFi project history.


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