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Uniswap Launches $165.5 Million Initiative for Ecosystem Development

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by Giorgi Kostiuk

6 hours ago

The Uniswap community has approved two crucial governance proposals focused on driving the growth of the Uniswap ecosystem. These include Ethereum layer-2, Unichain, the Uniswap v4 protocol, and the introduction of liquidity incentives, supported by a $165.5 million funding package.

Introducing New Proposals

The approved governance decisions are part of the Uniswap Unleashed plan, a strategy designed to accelerate the adoption of the newly launched Unichain and Uniswap v4. The main goal of these proposals is to ensure scalability, enhance capital efficiency, and attract new users while supporting developer innovation.

Expanding the Uniswap Ecosystem

The total budget of $165.5 million was approved and allocated as follows: $95.4 million for Uniswap Foundation grants, $45 million for liquidity incentives, and $25.1 million for operational expenses. These funds will be strategically allocated to foster the growth of Uniswap v4 and Unichain.

Features of Uniswap v4 and Fee Switch

The approval of these proposals has also laid the groundwork for the activation of the long-discussed fee switch. This mechanism will allow a portion of fees generated by liquidity providers to be redirected to UNI token holders.

The approval of the $165.5 million funding package marks a pivotal moment for Uniswap, highlighting its continued growth and innovation in the decentralized finance space.



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