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Weekly ARK Development Report: Updates and Improvements

Sep 7, 2024
  1. ARK Scan
  2. ARK SDKs
  3. ARK Vault

Welcome to our latest Weekly Development Report, where we spotlight the efforts of our development team. The ARK Scan team has resolved the overflow issue with the Validator Monitor and is progressing with further Mainsail integrations. For ARK SDKs, we continued to develop documentation for the upcoming new site. The ARK Vault team advanced design improvements across the app, while the Mainsail team focused on Validator and Voting contracts within the EVM, alongside additional optimizations.

ARK Scan

The ARK Scan team finished up the adjustments to the Validator Monitor to show the next validators in line to forge when blocks are missed in the round. We’ve also made progress on Mainsail integrations, including support for 18 decimal points in EVM and additional fixes for Keccak address handling and display. Additionally, we’ve begun migrating to the latest versions of Laravel and Livewire to address breaking changes and keep dependencies up to date. Next week, we’ll continue working on Mainsail integrations and addressing any other reported issues.


This week, we continued working on the new documentation site and updating documentation for ARK SDKs, starting with Java, Python, and PHP. Our focus is to bring everything up to date with the latest changes, providing proper examples and usage. This will greatly benefit developers and others who want to understand how things work under the hood. Next week, we will begin implementing the ARK SDKs for the Go language, specifically the client and crypto packages for Mainsail, and continue working on SDK documentation.

ARK Vault

This week, we worked on design improvements in the app and resolved issues identified during testing. Key updates include: * Adjusted padding and borders in the import tables of the Ledger pages (refactoring table padding, borders, and TableWrapper styles to match new designs). * Updated the delegate overview on the voting page with a new design (the voting selection table was revamped, and the lower voting bar was resized). * Fixed a mobile issue where the right-facing arrows for viewing contacts were not the correct color. * Refactored the margins, padding, and border styles for the recipient selection table. * Updated the vote transaction review step with the new design. * Started on an internal version to interact with contracts on Mainsail. Next week, we aim to finalize design improvements, intensify internal testing, and address any issues reported during testing.

This week, the ARK team made significant progress in improving and optimizing various aspects of their products. From enhancements in the Validator Monitor to updating ARK SDKs documentation and tweaking the ARK Vault app, the team continues to push forward, addressing issues and implementing new features. It's important to note that work on integration and optimization will continue next week.


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