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US Rate Cuts Could Propel Yuan Up 10%

Aug 27, 2024
  1. Impact of US Rate Cuts on Yuan
  2. PBOC's Role in Managing Yuan Appreciation
  3. Expected Outcomes

US Federal Reserve rate cuts could significantly impact the Chinese yuan, potentially leading to a 5-10% appreciation against the US dollar.

Impact of US Rate Cuts on Yuan

Stephen Jen, chief executive at Eurizon SLJ Capital, indicated that if US rates fall, Chinese companies might sell $1 trillion of dollar-denominated assets, causing the yuan to appreciate by 5-10% against the dollar.

PBOC's Role in Managing Yuan Appreciation

The yuan’s appreciation could be more significant if the People's Bank of China (PBOC) ceases its interventions to absorb excessive dollar liquidity. However, Beijing has previously been cautious about sharp yuan gains due to concerns over export competitiveness and economic recovery. Analysts have diverse estimates on the volume of Chinese corporate dollar holdings, ranging from $430 billion to over $500 billion.

The pressure will be there on the yuan to rally.Stephen Jen

Expected Outcomes

The PBOC has tools to manage currency expectations, including daily reference rates and adjustments to foreign currency reserve requirements for banks. Despite these measures, the pressure for yuan appreciation may persist, potentially leading to significant market movements.

Fed rate cuts may trigger substantial capital flow from dollar assets to China, resulting in significant yuan appreciation. PBOC's intervention will be crucial in managing these fluctuations.


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