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What a US Stock Market Crash Means for Crypto

Aug 30, 2024
  1. Stock Market Grows
  2. Stock Market Declines
  3. Conclusion

Our Alpha Research team discusses various scenarios for the US stock market through the end of the year and their potential impact on the crypto market.

Stock Market Grows

While the correlation between Bitcoin and the US stock market isn't very strong, it does exist. Here are a few possible scenarios: 1. Both Grow When central banks print money and increase liquidity, funds are directed into productive assets, including stocks and cryptocurrencies. This could lead to both markets growing. 2. Stocks Grow, Crypto Shrinks Some investors might start seeing cryptocurrencies as high-risk investments and avoid them, leading to divergent market behaviors.

Stock Market Declines

If the US stock market begins to decline for various reasons, the following scenarios are possible: 1. Stock Market Declines, Crypto Grows Growing adoption of cryptocurrencies in emerging markets could offset the negative impact of a declining US stock market. For instance, positive news about crypto from India, China, or Russia could push the crypto market up. 2. Both Markets Decline If liquidity is withdrawn from the system, investors will sell the riskiest assets first, including cryptocurrencies. Additionally, a recession or unpredictable political events could negatively impact both markets.


We reviewed four different scenarios where the US stock market may rise or fall through the end of the year and discussed the potential implications for cryptocurrencies. Regardless of which scenario seems most likely, it's essential to be prepared for changes in the markets.

We went over four scenarios that include the US stock market rising or falling and the possible impacts on crypto. Which scenario do you find most compelling? How will you prepare for it?


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