On January 28, Utah House Economic Development Committee passed HB 230, the Blockchain and Digital Innovation Amendments, allowing the state to invest a portion of public funds into cryptocurrency.
Role of the State Treasurer
With the passage of this bill, Utah's State Treasurer is granted the authority to invest up to 5% of specific public funds into digital assets. These assets must include cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and approved stablecoins meeting strict criteria. The bill also opens opportunities for staking and lending of these assets. To safeguard these investments, the state must store cryptographic private keys in geographically diverse, secure data centers accessible only through end-to-end encrypted channels.
What Sets the Utah Bill Apart?
Utah's bill stands out with provisions for crypto mining zoning, which is a unique inclusion in the legislative efforts across the U.S., showing an awareness of the broader impact of blockchain technology on infrastructure. A key legislative point also includes self-custody of digital assets, ensuring no governmental body can restrict the individual's ability to use hardware- or self-hosted wallets.
Utah Joins Other States
The introduction of Utah's bill comes at a time when several other states have proposed similar measures for investing public funds into cryptocurrencies. Currently, 12 states have put forth legislation for digital assets, including Utah's neighbors like Arizona and Wyoming. Arizona's SB 1025, for instance, allows investing up to 10% of public funds in Bitcoin and other digital assets.
Following its approval by the committee, HB 230 will proceed to the full House for a vote, then to the Utah State Senate, and finally to the governor for approval. If successful, Utah will become one of the pioneering states to officially invest public funds into cryptocurrency.