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Warning About Cryptocurrency Romance Scams in the US and Canada (Continued)

Jun 11, 2024

Despite the emotional manipulations employed, the FTC emphasizes the untrustworthiness of these scammers who have defrauded numerous victims of substantial amounts. The FTC has identified various red flags signaling potential scams, including promises of substantial profits, assurances of risk-free investments, and demands for monetary contributions. Moreover, the agency underlines the inherent risks in all investments, including those in cryptocurrencies, emphasizing the absence of guaranteed profits in any investment venture.

To combat the prevalence of these fraudulent schemes, the FTC encourages individuals to promptly report any suspicious activities to the FTC and the relevant digital platforms. Additionally, consumers are advised to alert their acquaintances and family members about the hazards associated with such scams, fostering a community-wide awareness about the deceptive practices prevalent in the realm of cryptocurrency romance scams.


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