Fully Diluted Valuation (FDV) is a metric that considers the total market value of a crypto project if all its tokens were circulating.
Importance of FDV for Investors
FDV helps investors evaluate the long-term potential of a cryptocurrency by considering the maximum token supply. It highlights potential risks and rewards tied to future supply changes if a large portion of tokens is yet to be released.
Difference Between FDV and Market Cap
Market capitalization reflects the current value of circulating tokens, whereas FDV considers all possible tokens. For instance, the market cap of SUI at a price of $2.18 and circulation of 3.16B is $6.93B. The full valuation upon maximum issuance of 10B tokens is $21.87B.
Impact of Token Supply Changes on FDV
Changes in token supply directly impact FDV. The release of additional tokens increases FDV, potentially diluting the value of existing tokens. Monitoring tokenomics, like vesting schedules or staking rewards, is important as they can affect both FDV and market cap.
Understanding and analyzing FDV is crucial for making informed investment decisions in the crypto space. It helps assess a project's potential by considering its tokenomics and future supply changes.