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zkSync Network Activity Declines by 79.7% in Recent Months: What Really Happened?

Sep 20, 2024
  1. Declining Network Activity
  2. Token Distribution Issues
  3. Future of zkSync

Over the last five months, zkSync, a prominent Layer 2 solution for Ethereum, has experienced a sharp decline in network activity, leaving many to question its fall from grace. Once hailed for its potential to enhance scalability and reduce transaction fees, zkSync is now grappling with significant drops in both user engagement and transaction volume.

Declining Network Activity

Daily active addresses on the network have plummeted by 79.7%, reaching their lowest levels of the year. In September, the network had around 92,620 active addresses, a significant decline from the peak of over 455,000 in April. Similarly, daily transactions reached a year-to-date low of 293,000 as of July 23, down from 34.7 million in December 2023. This slump is further mirrored in zkSync’s Total Value Locked (TVL), which fell to $78.13 million, the lowest since April 2023.

Token Distribution Issues

One significant factor behind the drop in zkSync’s daily users was the mishandling of the airdrop itself. Despite meeting the eligibility criteria, many users reported not receiving their ZK Tokens, leading to widespread frustration within the community. The allocation formula, which favored users with larger holdings and longer asset retention, left smaller holders feeling excluded. Complaints mounted as wallets that met the criteria failed to receive the promised tokens, further eroding trust in the process. Discrepancies surfaced, such as one wallet receiving 104,806 ZK—surpassing the 100,000-token limit set by zkSync.

The airdrop wasn’t well-planned from a Sybil perspective. The eligibility criteria were too easy for a farmer to meet and too difficult for genuine users, plus there was no anti-Sybil program in place.Adam Cochran, partner at Cinneamhain Ventures

Future of zkSync

Looking ahead, zkSync has several promising developments that could shape its future trajectory. One such innovation is zkStack, an open-source framework that allows developers to build custom zk-rollup chains. Another major extension under development, zkPorter, aims to keep transaction data off-chain, significantly reducing costs while improving scalability. In terms of governance and community involvement, zkSync has made long-term sustainability a priority by dedicating a significant portion of its native token (ZK) supply to community initiatives. However, technical indicators are signaling potential trouble ahead for ZK, with further losses possibly on the horizon.

Despite efforts to revitalize the platform, zkSync has faced significant challenges, leading to a sharp decline in activity. The next steps and developments will be crucial in determining the platform's future prospects.


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