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XRP Ledger set for significant upgrades

Sep 14, 2024
  1. Amendment Support
  2. Amendment Approval System
  3. New XRPL Specifications

Recently, crucial amendments on the XRP Ledger have received the majority support of validators, which might lead to significant upgrades in the upcoming days.

Amendment Support

According to an XRPL dUNL validator known as Vet, two XRP Ledger amendments have recently gained majority support and are now in the two-week activation period. These amendments are fixPreviousTxnID and fixEmptyDID, which are critical before introducing the DID amendment.

Another two XRP Ledger Amendments just gained majority at 29 Yes Votes and are now in the two-week activation period: fixPreviousTxnID and fixEmptyDID (important before DID amendment). Thanks to Michael Arrington and XrpGoat.Vet

Amendment Approval System

Amendments represent new features or other changes to transaction processing. The amendment system uses the consensus process to approve any changes affecting transaction processing on XRP Ledger. To be enabled, amendments must have at least 80% support from trusted validators for two weeks. If support falls below 80%, the amendment is temporarily rejected, and the two-week period begins anew. If an amendment achieves more than 80% support for two weeks, it passes and the change is permanent for all subsequent ledger versions. To disable a previously enacted amendment, a new amendment must be introduced.

New XRPL Specifications

Apart from the amendments that have entered the two-week activation period, Mayukha Vadari, a senior software engineer at RippleX, announced the addition of two new specifications to the XRP Ledger this week. In her tweet, Vadari stated she had published two new XRPL specs focused around permissioning and compliance. First, XLS-80d: Permissioned Domains, which is a building block feature aimed at making on-chain permissioning easier to handle, building on top of XLS-70d. Second, XLS-81d: Permissioned DEX — secure and regulated trading environments. Vadari believes these additions will help drive greater flexibility and safety on XRPL.

Introducing new amendments and specifications to the XRP Ledger could lead to significant improvements in network security and flexibility, positively impacting the entire ecosystem.


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