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IBM and Meta have teamed up to collaborate on AI

IBM and Meta have teamed up to collaborate on AI

Dec 6, 2023

IBM and Meta have joined forces to create a coalition focused on the study and development of artificial intelligence (AI). This alliance, named AI Alliance, is a global community consisting of leading developers, researchers, and technology enthusiasts working together to promote open, safe, and ethical AI.

As part of this initiative, IBM and Meta have partnered with more than 50 international partners, including companies like AMD, CERN, Cleveland Clinic, Dell Technologies, Intel, INSAIT, Linux Foundation, Oracle, and others. These organizations have committed to supporting transparent innovations, safety, and responsible development in the field of AI.

The alliance plans to invest over $80 billion annually in AI research and development. As part of the collaboration, IBM and Meta will establish a governing council and a technical committee to set standards and advance AI projects. Additionally, several prestigious educational institutions, including the University of Tokyo, Yale University, and Imperial College London, have joined the coalition.

Kevin Murphy, NASA's chief scientist, emphasized the importance of open innovations for ensuring equal access and collaboration in AI, as well as for implementing this technology based on principles of diversity, trust, and inventiveness. It is noted that companies such as Microsoft, Google, OpenAI, and Anthropic did not join this alliance; instead, they formed their own group called The Frontier Group in July 2023.


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