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NFT holders gain early access to HYTOPIA: closed beta testing has already begun

NFT holders gain early access to HYTOPIA: closed beta testing has already begun

Jun 21, 2024

HYTOPIA, a voxel gaming platform created by the NFT Worlds team, has begun closed beta testing, allowing owners of HYTOPIA Worlds, Grey Boys, and Avatars NFTs to test the game on two available servers.

Although the game is still in development, developers are actively working on improvements and frequent updates. The main goal of this beta testing is to ensure hardware compatibility and enhance the gaming experience for future players.

Closed beta testing now provides NFT holders the opportunity to download the initial version of the game client and experience early stages of gameplay.

HYTOPIA began as a collection of 10,000 customizable virtual worlds and has since expanded to include its own blockchain, HYCHAIN, and the TOPIA token.

Initially launched as NFT Worlds for Minecraft, HYTOPIA underwent significant changes and rebranding after receiving $3 million in funding from Delphi Digital and Delphi Ventures.

The ecosystem provides players with modern social and gaming features, including a set of developer tools for creating games in a voxel environment, as well as integrated Web3 elements and tools for world creators. These tools allow optional use of the TOPIA token and the Play-To-Earn (play to earn) model.

To join the beta testing, NFT holders must connect to the HYTOPIA Testers Discord server, verify their NFT ownership through, and gain access.

Participants will also need a Minecraft account, as the current HYTOPIA client uses Minecraft servers for testing. In the future, the development team plans to introduce HYTOPIA's own servers and eliminate the need for Minecraft accounts while maintaining compatibility with legacy Minecraft servers.

The closed beta version includes two servers:

  1. Avatars Battle Arena: This server offers a 20v20 battle royale on a shrinking arena.
  2. Grey Boys Factions: A faction-based PvP server where players form teams of up to 20 people for raids and battles for control.

HYTOPIA plans to release weekly game client updates with notes detailing changes. Some features, such as sound effects, player animations, and NPC behavior, are still in development and will be added in future updates.


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