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Optimism achieves successful implementation of 'Bedrock' hard fork, resulting in decreased deposit durations and layer-1 charges

Optimism achieves successful implementation of 'Bedrock' hard fork, resulting in decreased deposit durations and layer-1 charges

Jun 7, 2023

This enhancement is a component of a sequence of reforms aimed at enhancing modularity in the OP Stack, empowering developers to establish their own networks by utilizing the software.

According to an announcement by OP Labs, the developers of the Optimism network, the "Bedrock" upgrade was successfully completed on June 7. This upgrade resulted in reduced deposit times, decreased layer-1 fees, and the implementation of additional security features. The upgrade is a part of a larger set of reforms aimed at establishing a "Superchain" of scalable Web3 networks utilizing Optimism's OP Stack software.

Optimism achieves successful implementation of 'Bedrock' hard fork, resulting in decreased deposit durations and layer-1 charges - news

During a discussion with Cointelegraph, Karl Floersch, the CEO of OP Labs, revealed that the Bedrock upgrade incorporates several gas optimizations that the team has discovered. As a result, the network's data availability fees on Ethereum have been reduced by 40%. These reductions are then transferred to the users in the form of decreased gas fees on the Optimism platform.

Furthermore, as part of the upgrade, the network now has the capability to detect chain reorganizations (reorgs) on Ethereum and accurately reflect them in the user's Optimism balance. This enhancement enables a significant reduction in deposit times to just one minute. Previously, depositing funds from Ethereum to Optimism took approximately 10 minutes due to the requirement of achieving finality on Layer-1.

In addition to the aforementioned improvements, Bedrock incorporates a two-step withdrawal process, which serves as an additional safeguard against potential bridge exploits.

Apart from the immediate modifications, the latest upgrade sets the foundation for the future advancement of the OP Stack, aiming to construct a multi-network "Superchain," according to Floersch. The upgrade introduces "modular proof systems" that empower developers to design and personalize their own blockchain networks. Additionally, the validator component of the software, known as "op-geth," has fewer than 1,000 lines of code that differ from Ethereum's version. This aspect potentially simplifies the process of transitioning validators to the new system.

Coinbase's Base network made an announcement on February 23, declaring its integration into the Superchain. Subsequently, on May 24, it presented a roadmap outlining its intentions for the mainnet launch.


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