The Information Technology University in Lahore, Pakistan, has launched the country's first classes based on virtual reality in the metaverse. These courses were developed in collaboration with the University of Denmark and are designed to simulate traditional classroom learning using virtual reality headsets and motion tracking technologies.
According to Ibrahim Ghaznavi, head of the computer science department at ITU Lahore, this initiative is expected to enhance the academic abilities of students participating in metaverse learning. The shift to metaverse technology occurred after the university began online courses during the COVID-19 pandemic, and virtual reality started to be applied in education worldwide.
The ITU Lahore program was developed with support from the University of Denmark and may draw inspiration from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), which is considered the university's spiritual predecessor. Founded in 2012 with the goal of emulating MIT's success in technology and engineering, ITU Lahore has various partnerships with other renowned universities and corporations, including Harvard and IBM.
Despite the early enthusiasm surrounding the metaverse era, initially focused on the gaming sector, recent analysis shows that the metaverse is finding its application in industry, medicine, education, and marketing, with many applications making their way into consumer headsets and browsers. Tim Berners-Lee, widely recognized as the creator of the World Wide Web, recently predicted that spatial computing — displaying and using computer applications in three-dimensional augmented reality — would be the future of the Internet. He noted that support for various modes would be key to adoption, allowing for a smooth transition between different devices.