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Satoshi Nakamoto's assets were estimated at over $51 billion

Satoshi Nakamoto's assets were estimated at over $51 billion

Feb 27, 2024

With the rise of Bitcoin to $57,000, Satoshi Nakamoto's estimated wealth exceeded $51 billion. His capital has increased by $9 billion in the last two months, according to crypto expert Kashif Raza.

Satoshi Nakamoto is considered the largest Bitcoin holder, but the exact number of coins in his wallets remains unknown. According to Arkham, he owns about 1.1 million BTC, while Bitmex Research estimates around 700,000 BTC. His wealth estimates range from $40 billion to $62.7 billion.

The identity and whereabouts of Nakamoto remain a mystery despite publications on forums and electronic correspondence with team members. Numerous theories have attempted to explain his identity, including candidates such as Hal Finney and Craig Wright.

In February, the call from 3AC hedge fund co-founder Su Zhu to cease the search for Satoshi Nakamoto underscored the ongoing interest in the enigmatic Bitcoin creator.


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