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The Demise of Curve: Formerly the Leading Network with $24 Billion TVL, Now Sitting at the 10th Position

The Demise of Curve: Formerly the Leading Network with $24 Billion TVL, Now Sitting at the 10th Position

Oct 15, 2023

CurveFinance, once celebrated as the pinnacle of decentralized finance, commanding an impressive $24 billion in total value locked (TVL), now finds itself in a much less glamorous position, languishing at the 10th spot and a mere shadow of its former self. Recent setbacks have sparked discussions among cryptocurrency enthusiasts and industry experts, prompting a closer examination of the possible factors contributing to Curve's substantial decline.

The month of August left a lasting impact on the minds of many CurveFinance users. During this period, a malicious hack occurred, resulting in a steep drop in its TVL. Before falling victim to this cyber breach, Curve had been proudly touting a TVL of over $3 billion. However, the aftermath of the hack proved to be devastating, inflicting significant harm and undermining confidence in the platform.

After the hack in August, @CurveFinance DEX TVL has not recovered and decreased even further. Curve used to have the highest TVL in DeFi of $24B+, but now it is ranking 10th.DeFi Made Here (@DeFi_Made_Here) October 14, 2023

During its prime, CurveFinance stood as the shining star of the DeFi world, surpassing its competitors with an astonishing total value locked (TVL) of over $24 billion. To illustrate the recent decline, consider that even when Ethereum (ETH) was trading at a modest $800, CurveFinance still maintained a TVL of approximately $6 billion. This fact emphasizes the profound nature of its decline, suggesting that the platform's challenges extend beyond mere market dynamics.

Data provided by DefiLlama paints a grim picture. After being at the forefront, Curve has experienced a rapid and severe fall from grace. This once-unstoppable platform has now been surpassed by several other DeFi platforms that have navigated the turbulent waters of the crypto industry more effectively.

Given the magnitude of these setbacks and the ensuing controversies, many analysts believe that Curve faces a steep, if not insurmountable, road to recovery. Rebuilding trust, once shattered, is an arduous task. Furthermore, in the fiercely competitive DeFi landscape, users have a multitude of alternatives available, making Curve's journey back to the top even more formidable.


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