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Transaction fees on the BNB Chain network have been reduced by 90% thanks to BEP 336

Transaction fees on the BNB Chain network have been reduced by 90% thanks to BEP 336

Jun 20, 2024

On June 20, the BNB Chain ecosystem activated the hardfork BEP 336 Haber, which significantly reduced transaction costs for L2 solutions by 90% compared to previous levels. This long-awaited update was aimed at improving the overall performance of the network.

One of the key elements of the update was the introduction of BLOB objects, which are capable of handling large volumes of data, up to 128 KB each. Instead of verifying each transaction within a block individually, the network will now verify only the data within the attached BLOB. This innovation significantly simplifies and speeds up the transaction verification process.

The temporary storage mechanism, which ensures a compact and unloaded blockchain network, also plays an important role in improving performance. This approach allows the network to operate more efficiently, reducing load and increasing transaction processing speed.

The developers emphasized that the update will bring tangible benefits to users of all second-layer solutions on the BNB Chain Smart Chain. In particular, opBNB will now be able to offer further cost reductions to approximately $0.0001, making it even more attractive to users.

Furthermore, it is worth noting that earlier, BNB Chain and Binance Labs launched the BNB Incubation Alliance initiative aimed at supporting early-stage Web3 projects. This initiative demonstrates the ecosystem's commitment to developing and supporting innovations in blockchain technology.


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