• Dapps:16,23 тыс.
  • Блокчейны:78
  • Активные пользователи:66,47 млн
  • Объем за 30 дней:303,26 млрд $
  • Транзакции за 30 дней:879,24 млн $
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Всего пользователей
0 $
Баланс контракта
19 $
Официальные ссылки


Сравнение криптовалютных проектов: SUI против QubeticsАнализ перспектив криптовалютных проектов SUI и Qubetics на фоне текущих тенденций рынка.
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22 minutes ago

MicroStrategy добавляет опытных экспертов, выросший интерес к биткоинуMicroStrategy включила в совет директоров Брайана Брукса и других специалистов, обеспечивая стратегическое развитие компании.
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22 minutes ago

Cosmos и Qubetics: Как два блокчейн-проекта изменяют мир криптовалютCosmos и Qubetics предлагают уникальные решения в области блокчейн технологий, расширяя возможности взаимодействия и токенизации реальных активов.
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22 minutes ago

Что такое 3Speak?

3Speak is the home of Free Speech on the internet. We exist because Silicon Valley has gone out of its' way to deplatform and demonetise individuals (many of whom have huge followings) because of their political beliefs, or the kind of content they upload, not because they break any laws. Free Speech is under threat, and 3Speak is keen to ensure that those people who have fallen foul of Silicon Valley's arbitrary rules have a place to call home. We welcome those who have been silenced, demonetised and shutdown simply because some people don't like what they say. Our policy is that the ability to be offensive is the bedrock of Freedom of Speech, and in turn Freedom of Speech protects societies from descending into chaos and civil war. Everyone has the right to their opinions, no matter how offensive some other people may find it (as long as it's not inciting violent or illegal of course). We especially welcome those talking about cryptocurrency and other emerging technologies which are threats to the establishment. Many of these content creators are being silenced because rich and powerful organisations do not want to be challenged. But we believe in Freedom of choice too! We also encourage citizen journalists to join us too, and post the kind of content which is often ignored, or spun into a certain narrative by the Mainstream media. We believe that citizen journalists are the future, and we invite them to come and join our Citizen Journalist Programme to equip you for a new career in independent journalism.

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