• Dapps: 16,23 тыс.
  • Блокчейны: 78
  • Активные пользователи: 66,47 млн
  • Объем за 30 дней: 303,26 млрд $
  • Транзакции за 30 дней: 879,24 млн $


Всего пользователей
0 $
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Анализ криптовалют: Эфириум, Dogecoin и Shiba InuТекущая ситуация и перспективы для Эфириума, Dogecoin и Shiba Inu на фоне колебаний их цен.

a minute ago

Фальшивая реклама Google ставит под угрозу пользователей SoneiumФальшивая реклама на Google, связанная с блокчейн-проектом Soneium от Sony, выявлена как средство для кражи криптовалюты.

2 minutes ago

Спорный документ ЕЦБ о Bitcoin вызвал критику со стороны учёныхУчёные раскритиковали документ ЕЦБ, который оценивает Bitcoin как убыточный актив и противопоставляет его цифровым валютам центральных банков.

3 minutes ago

Что такое art.army?

Art.army is a project that aims to integrate artists, gallery owners, investors and enthusiasts around the new technological possibilities of art and the new digital economy. It is a project that aims to revolutionise the buying experience through the integration of interactive and multimedia proposals. On the platform it will be possible to auction, exchange, buy and sell NFTs of artistic projection, but it will also serve as a framework for the promotion of particular events focused on selected artists or new experiences such as stakes for those holders of our token who support the project. We want to offer a platform for digital works and support all those artists who are not yet related to crypto-art and give them a unique opportunity to promote their work.

We want to pay special attention to certain communities by listening to their needs and we will start with the launch of the first marketplace in Spanish, as well as launching parallel integrated projects that allow musicians or designers to promote their creations. It is a project with a collaborative vocation, which wants to respond to the great demand that is being created around digital art on the net in a serious and inclusive way. Art.army is a meeting point for art experts and curators, established creators and new talents. A marketplace where artists and creators will be able to create their digital works or NFTs through a totally secure minting process certified by blockchain technology. Art Army will offer security, trust and an efficient and effective environment where all participants will feel part of a common project.

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