Black Pearl is Open community Platform. Here you can make friends, chat with each other, create groups and hangout with your loved ones. We created this platform on Tron Blokchain backed with Smart Contract which nobody can modify, delete or shutdown at any time i.e. Black Pearl (Meda) will live forever and ever. Our Contract is verified. When people buy, Our Meda tokens are worth slightly more and when they sell it worth slightly less All mentioned fees goes to MEDA holders. We dont have any Developer Fees or Marketing Fees. In Daily ROI you will receive 4% each day till contract has Tron balance.
BTFD Coin: второе дыхание после Turbo.Мем-токены завоевывают рынок в 2024 году: после успеха Turbo новый BTFD Coin обещает мощный старт.
3 minutes ago