With BlackFort Wallet you can store, manage, buy, change and withdraw your cryptocurrencies.
Use of BXF Token:
Whether you buy, sell or you exchange currencies, you can receive
up to 25% of the generated fees as a cryptoreward received in ETH (Ethereum).
•BXF mint worth between 0-1 ETH = 10%
•BXF mint worth between 1-2 ETH = 15%
•BXF mint worth between 2-4 ETH = 20%
•BXF mint worth between 4+ ETH = 25%
The Chance:
Whenever BXF is minted, Transferred or burned, 8% of the current ETH value flows into
the BlackFort Pool and are aliquoted to all BXF holders in the Smart contract.
Userbase Loyalty reward (BXF Holders):
Exchange fee Loyalty reward:
BlackFort Wallet Rewards loyal holders with up to 25% of generated Exchange fees globally and realtime. ETH distributions are frictionlessly staked.
Please MINT through the APP to receive CryptoReward levels