CETF is protocol to manage ETFs. First ETF available is EOSETF. EOSETF contains within itself 13 following bluechip EOS mainnet tokens: DAPP, VIG, IQ, OGX, BOX, EFX, DAD, OGX, NDX, PIZZA, CHEX, DFS and TPT. As such by owning EOSETF token you can get exposure to many prominent EOS projects. Anyone that has above mentioned 13 tokens can become AP (Authorized Participant) and create EOSETF.
Anyone having EOSETF can easily redeem underlying 13 tokens.
Fees generated by the fund will be distributed between CETF holders. That includes management fees, arbitrage and income generated from using the underlying tokens of the fund in various DeFi applications.
CETF holders will be able to manage and ensure decentralized control of the funds. For example, decisions regarding which tokens should be included in EOSETF, and in which proportions will be decided by CETF holders via Consortium. CETF holders will be able to elect custodians, who will be responsible for CETFs development. Elected custodians will have control over all the funds.
dApp will enable anyone to become fund manager by creating custom ETF.