Dexter is a decentralized, non-custodial exchange on the Tezos blockchain that enables users to exchange their XTZ - the native currency of Tezos - with other tokens built on the Tezos FA1.2 token standard. Dexter also allows anyone to trade directly between two types of FA1.2 tokens. Any holder of XTZ and FA1.2 tokens can also be a liquidity provider. Such participation helps power the Dexter Exchange and also provides those users with a proportional share of exchange fees (0.3%). Liquidity providers can easily remove liquidity they’ve provided at any time.
Tether прогнозирует рекордную прибыль в 2024 году, превышающую 10 миллиардов долларовTether ожидает, что его чистая прибыль превысит 10 миллиардов долларов в 2024 году благодаря росту криптовалют и инвестициям.
4 minutes ago