• Dapps: 16,23 тыс.
  • Блокчейны: 78
  • Активные пользователи: 66,47 млн
  • Объем за 30 дней: 303,26 млрд $
  • Транзакции за 30 дней: 879,24 млн $
vDice - play, win and earn money!

vDice - play, win and earn money!

Всего пользователей
5,5 трлн $
0 $
Баланс контракта
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Что такое vDice - play, win and earn money!?

Vdice - a decentralized dice game on the Vexanium Blockchain, where each user can earn in the game and then receive dividends on bets. This is a classic game, implemented in the form of Ethereum Smart Contract.


  1. How to play Vdice?
  2. Currency blockchain game
  3. Vdice wallet

How to play Vdice?

Ethereum builds and improves the Bitcoin blockchain. In the same way, vDice builds and improves blockchain betting technology. The platform is fully decentralized. vDice leverages the power of Ethereum smart contracts to create games. Moreover, bets are processed through Oracle, using third-party services of a random number generation.

To play, firstly, the user must remit ETH. Then the contract fulfills the Oracle agreement, and after it recalls the contract back. Thus, for each made bet in the contract, there are two transactions: the first - user’s, the second - Oracle’s.vDice

In addition, users can add Ether (ETH) to each contract for bets. In other words, users can participate in increasing of their profits. Smart contracts are valid, are tested on the network and process bids on an ongoing basis.

Currency blockchain game

The currency of the application is a token of the vDice game, which is called VSlice. This token is directly related to the profit of the game. Token holders receive a share of the profit, which is proportional to the number of held tokens. vSlice is like any standard ERC20 token. All users use BTC or ETH to play. The vSlice smart contract will be launched and people, who are going to contribute, will receive:

  1. week 1 = 130 ETH;
  2. week 2 = 120 ETH;
  3. weeks 3 and 4 = 100 ETH.

For example, players for 100 ETH will receive 13,000 vSlice tokens. There is also a small distribution of tokens at a lower rate of 1:100 with an ETH limit of up to 50,000. It amounts about 5 million vSlice.

Vdice wallet

Anyone, who wants to participate in the game, must have one of the Ethereum (ETH) wallets:

Ethereum Wallet One of the safest storage options, since all private keys and data on your savings are stored on your device and don’t get into the network.
Mist It was developed by the creators of the entire Ethereum system. At the same time, it’s one of the two official wallets for ethereum.
Parity UI A hot wallet for storing cryptocurrencies, as well as tokens, released with the ERC-20 standard. At the moment, this is the most convenient and safe wallet, that supports a huge number of currencies and tokens.
Jaxx A digital wallet, that allows you to send and receive various cryptocurrencies and, also, provides users with a safe place to store them. The wallet was created by one of the Ethereum’s founders.
Metamask Allows you to manage your wallet through the Chrome plugin. Moreover, it’s a convenient and easy cryptocurrency wallet for quick payments on the Internet.

Having received an Ethereum account, you need to send the transaction with a certain amount of gas to the vSlice address. The transaction will immediately create an equivalent number of vSlice tokens by an exchange rate. After confirming the transaction, you will see the amount of your token in the Ethereum blockchain and can view it on the website.

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