• Dapps:16,23 тыс.
  • Блокчейны:78
  • Активные пользователи:66,47 млн
  • Объем за 30 дней:303,26 млрд $
  • Транзакции за 30 дней:879,24 млн $


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Баланс контракта
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Социальные сети


Рост хешрейта и майнинговой мощности биткоинаБиткоин увеличил хешрейт до 796 EH/s, достигнув $93,390 из-за ETF и институционального принятия.
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12 минут назад

Инаугурация Трампа: Будет ли событие спровоцировать продажу Биткоина? K33 изменяет прогнозАналитики K33 пересматривают свой прогноз по Биткоину в преддверии инаугурации Трампа, учитывая макроэкономические факторы и политические изменения.
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13 минут назад

Потенциал девяти криптовалют до $3Исследуем девять криптовалют с потенциалом увеличить $300 до $9000.
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14 минут назад

Что такое Wormhole?

The Wormhole token-bridge - a defi app, built on top of the Wormhole common messaging protocol. It allows you to transfer assets between Ethereum, Solana, Terra, Binance Smart Chain, Polygon, Avalanche and Oasis.



About the Wormhole project

Wormhоle — a generic messaging protocol that connects to multiple chains, including Ethereum, Solana, Terra, Binance Smart Chain, Polygon, Avalanche and Oasis.

There are currently two features, built on top of the common message passing protocol, including:

1 A bridge-token that allows users to seamlessly connect packaged assets between supported chains.
2 An NFT bridge that allows ERC721 and SPL NFT transfers between Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain, Polygon, Avalanche, Oasis and Solana.

The token registry helps to register new tokens in the chain, this is a one-time procedure. There is a small fee for registering a token. This is most commonly used by projects that are transferring a token for the first time. Regular users will rarely use this feature.

Wormhole is essentially a decentralized notary. Wormhole works by monitoring a set of chains for messages, emitted by smart contracts on those chains. The received messages are routed to the target chains, allowing messages to be passed between chains.

This single primitive is enough to enable cross-chain communication protocols such as NFT tokens and bridges, cross-chain oracles and all sorts of other messaging apps that no one has even thought of yet. Wormhole's simplicity allows it to be faster, more efficient and more secure than other implementations.

Additional information about crypto coin dapp

Wormhole relies on a set of distributed nodes that keep track of the state of multiple blockchains. In Wormhole, these nodes are called Guardians.

The role of the keepers - to watch the messages and sign the appropriate payloads. The resulting set of independent observations forms a multisignature. These multi-signatures - VAAs in Wormhole.Wormhole

The site has an introductory document with which you can explore the site. Also, the developers provide a section with answers to questions.

If you want to stay up to date with all innovations, subscribe to the community in the following social networks:

The smart contract doesn’t have an audit.

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