• Dapps:16,23 тыс.
  • Блокчейны:78
  • Активные пользователи:66,47 млн
  • Объем за 30 дней:303,26 млрд $
  • Транзакции за 30 дней:879,24 млн $


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4 минуты назад

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5 минут назад

Что такое Fancybirds?

Fancybirds — 8888 randomly generated characters with custom features! In the race to earn your place and claim the treehouse trophy, each bird will fight for its own victory.


Fancybirds - dapp.expert

About the Fancybirds project

Fancy Birds was the brainchild of core DAO member Mr. Fancy, who some know on Discord. Mr. Fancy is an experienced gamer with experience organizing esports tournaments, a top player in Canada that has been involved in the blockchain space for the past two years. The idea for Fancy Birds came about after observing that many simple PFP-based NFT projects failed to deliver on the promise of a complete game. He also noted that there are many existing proven game loops that could be much better used as an element of P2E and PVP.

Mr. Fancy immediately began working with two DAO members fancy-janitor and Mad-Badger to form a DAO team that could complete one of their favorite game cycles of all time, Fancy Birds. The team has been working tirelessly to complete part of the NFT project, as well as complete the full first version of the crypto game on the Rinkeby testbed. At the same time, the team started sharing some of their teasers to form a core community on Discord and Twitter.

Other features:

1 8888 Genesis Fancy Birds will be in total.
2 Fancy Birds genesis will be the only series to have breeding capabilities, meaning that owners of Genesis Fancy Birds, in combination with $FNC, will be able to attract new users, looking to play and earn on the Fancy platform.
3 As the Fancy Games platform expands, the perks and benefits of owning the first set will be added.

Fancybirds are copyrighted, you own the IP address of your unique bird. You can use it in the ecosystem of current and future games, as well as for some future uses to be revealed.

More about defi app

Fancybirds — the first of many games, planned to launch in the Play 2 Earn arcade. Each NFT from the games will be useful in the crypto hot ecosystem of mini-games. Fancybird players will be able to play, complete quests, compete on leaderboards and earn $FNC. $FNC will be used for several game utilities such as bird customization, participation in nft buyback tournaments and more!

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