KyberSwap — the best place to trade and make money on networks like Ethereum, Polygon, Binance Smart Chain (BSC), Avalanche and Fantom. You can get better token exchange fees and earn more on your token holdings.
As the first multi-chain dynamic DeFi market maker and the main protocol at the center of Kyber's liquidity, KyberSwap is both a decentralized exchange (DEX) aggregator and a liquidity provider with capital-efficient liquidity pools that earn a commission for liquidity providers.
Unlike the static/fixed nature of typical AMMs/DEXs and other liquidity platforms in the space, KyberSwap helps to maximize capital utilization by providing liquidity aggregation for the best rates, extremely high capital efficiency, and reacting to market conditions for optimization.
Using Dynamic Trade Routing technology, the team pools liquidity from multiple DEXs (including KyberSwap) and determines the best trading route for you. Dapp has the best price guarantee and the lowest possible slippage. You can save time and effort in this way. You can earn more on your crypto assets and earn commissions and rewards by depositing your tokens into our pools.
On top of that, the platform has enhanced liquidity pools to provide you with much higher capital efficiency and better slippage. KyberSwap dynamically adjusts trading fees, based on market conditions, to ensure you maximize your profits.
Any user can provide liquidity to KyberSwap by depositing tokens. Also, anyone can access this liquidity for their own use case. Thousands of users and several decentralized applications are already providing and using the liquidity of the resource. It does not require KYC or registration. You do not pay any additional fees for deposits or withdrawals.