• Dapps:16,23 тыс.
  • Блокчейны:78
  • Активные пользователи:66,47 млн
  • Объем за 30 дней:303,26 млрд $
  • Транзакции за 30 дней:879,24 млн $


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Aigents революционизирует интеллектуальные системыУзнайте, как Aigents изменяет подход к автономным агентам и децентрализованным организациям.
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минуту назад

Дефицит Биткоина для 58 миллионов миллионеров мираАнализ: на 58 млн миллионеров приходится только 21 млн Биткоинов. Дефицит и его влияние на рынок.
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2 минуты назад

Рост XDC Network: монета прибавила 68% за 15 днейЦена XDC Network продолжает рост, несмотря на нестабильность крипторынка. Монета прибавила 68% за 15 дней. Узнайте больше о будущем XDC.
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3 минуты назад

Что такое MysteriesLand?

MysteriesLand is a universe of concise and objective literary stories that feature enigmas or mysteries. This approach combines the concepts of literature, puzzles, treasure hunting, and a collector's album. All these factors make the project unique. The stories are divided into collectible episodes in the form of NFT tokens, created on the blockchain network.



About MysteriesLand

An enigmatic story is crafted and then transformed into a compact book. This book is divided into 100 episodes, comprising small intriguing scenes as well as a concluding chapter. The final chapter unveils the background of each episode, tying them together and unraveling the mystery of the story. 

The collectible items include the following elements:

  1. Episodes: Each episode becomes a unique collectible token in the format of an NFT. This token includes an image that encodes the text of the corresponding part of the short story from the book.

  2. Cards: Each "CARD" is also a collectible NFT token. It contains an image of an item symbolizing a part of the story. Each "CARD" includes a code that allows deciphering a specific part of the corresponding episode.

This unique approach enables engaging interaction with the story through digital collectible items. The episodes and cards together form a puzzle that readers and collectors can gradually assemble, revealing more details of the mysterious story as they acquire new collection elements.


The book consists of 100 parts/episodes. Whoever deciphers 99 EPISODES unlocks the purchase of the FINAL CHAPTER, gaining access to the entire book and discovering the secret that surrounds it. However, rewards depend on the number of completed chapters:

Reward Table:

Chapter Reward
1-3 Names in the book dedication
1-10 Printed copy of the book
1-99 Participation in royalty fund


The initial sale of NFTs will have a fixed price for each type (EPISODES, CARDS, and FINAL CHAPTER). A 10% royalty fee will be applied to secondary sales. This income will be distributed as follows:

  • 8.0% to the reward fund.
  • 2.0% to the author of the book.

Thus, MysteriesLand represents a unique blend of literature, puzzles, and blockchain technology, offering participants the opportunity to engage in an exciting treasure hunt and receive rewards for their achievements.

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