• Dapps: 16,23 тыс.
  • Блокчейны: 78
  • Активные пользователи: 66,47 млн
  • Объем за 30 дней: 303,26 млрд $
  • Транзакции за 30 дней: 879,24 млн $
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YuzuSwap - providing liquidity and earnings

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8 minutes ago

Что такое YuzuSwap - providing liquidity and earnings?

It is a decentralized exchange on Oasis Emerald paratime that includes incentives such as liquidity and trade mining. YuzuSwap follows a non-custodial, peer-to-peer, automated market maker model and aims to provide a secure, fast and low-cost token discovery and exchange tool in the Oasis ecosystem. The YuzuSwap platform itself is completely open to Yuzu DAO developers and members.


YuzuSwap - dapp.expert

How does DeFi YuzuSwap work?

All tokens are mined block by block from genesis. This includes team/fund/investor tokens. In addition, the number of tokens, mined in each block, will be halved every year. The YuzuSwap trade mining engine is based on TPST (Trading Pool Share Token). Once users trade incentivized trading pairs, they receive a balance in TPST similar to LPT (Liquidity Provider Token) as proof of trade. They will receive a trading mining token in each block, according to the share of TPST. If the user does not claim the trade mining reward, the TPST balance will always be in place and mine every block until the user decides to claim the trade mining reward, at which point the TPST balance will be reset.

Other DeFi features:

1 Of the 0.3% transaction fee, 80% will go towards the buyback smart contract.
2 This contract will trigger the purchase of the YUZU token if its price falls below the 72 hour average.
3 Thus, the more the transaction fee is accumulated, the higher the price of the YUZU token will be.

The remaining 20% of the transaction fee will go to the DAO vault. The use of the DAO vault will be voted on by YUZU token holders. Possible uses include incentivizing developers to develop tools for YuzuSwap, co-investing in other Oasis projects, purchasing insurance for YuzuSwap, and so on.

What is the advantage of the defi app?

YuzuSwap can be integrated into any projects on Oasis. For example: users can secure their LPT (Liquidity Provider Token) in the upcoming Oasis lending protocol and restore their liquidity. Alternatively, they can also borrow LPT from the lending protocol to mine the YUZU token without fear of potential temporary loss.

DAO storage can purchase insurance for pools on YuzuSwap, so even in the event of unforeseen incidents, these pools will be insured.YuzuSwap

Promising new projects on Oasis can submit an IDO/IFO application on YuzuSwap, which is a great way to raise funds for projects from the community. Users with YUZU tokens will vote on which project can be launched on the IDO/IFO launchpad, whether to allocate a mining pool for a new token, what percentage of the mining pool will be allocated to a new token, etc.

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